The Metaverse: How is it Revolutionizing the Way We Shop?
The rising popularity of virtual reality (VR) along...
Could ‘Stablecoin’ Save the Future of Digital Currency?
According to Google Trends, in the previous year, the word ‘crypto’ was searched and used more than the word...
65% B2B Companies Swear by Digital – How to Lead Sales During COVID-19
The COVID-19 crisis is making it difficult for companies to stay functional and cater to the...
US Mobile Activity Surges by 28%, Has COVID-19 Accelerated Digitization?
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on the social lives of people around the world. It has also...
Is Digitization Just a Myth or the Real Game Changer?
Industries are increasingly navigating through a digitized landscape, thus prompting business operations to be in a state...