Case study

Efficient Extraction of Key Insights From Fund Factsheets/IMS/ Teasers/Prospectus Into Concise Memos Using Gen AI

Private Equity Case Study | Extraction of Key Insights


A global PE firm was seeking to automate the data analysis from a large pool of documents spanning across various work products.


  • We developed a system that efficiently extracts key investment details from CIMs, presentations,  and teasers, condensing the information into concise 4-page memos and 4-5 slide PowerPoint  presentations
  • Our solution facilitates rapid and focused analysis of extensive documents.


  • Document parsing: Utilized our state-of-the-art text extraction tools to accurately parse and  extract information from PDF, images and Word documents
  • Data structuring: Organized data into nodes and relationships using graph database, facilitating  efficient and meaningful information retrieval
  • Data analysis: Integrated cutting-edge AI models from Hugging Face for detailed text analysis,  including named entity recognition, and response generation
  • Vector embeddings: Measured semantic similarities across documents employing vector  embedding techniques
  • Data accuracy and relevance: Leveraged RAG-based LLM, Retrieval-Augmented Generation for  context-rich text generation
  • Creating presentations & memos: Automated conversion of extracted information into  customized, concise PowerPoint presentations and detailed memos tailored to user  specifications
  • Content addition: Included sections on company overview, SWOT, key risks, etc.

Streamlining key insight extraction from deal documents with Gen AI

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  • Optimization: Documents of varying lengths and complexities handled with  consistent performance
  • Enhanced user interaction: Summarized documents into dynamic PowerPoint  presentations with intuitive interactivity



  • Reduced the time and effort required to analyze and summarize extensive  documents, enabling faster decision-making in investment scenarios
  • Maintained high level of relevance and quality for content generated through AI  extraction tools
  • Solution adaptable to specific user queries and needs, providing tailored  summaries

We bring comprehensive data driven insights to everyone, everywhere

In depth-analysis with simple solutions