Case study

Boosting Operational Efficiency: SG Analytics Customized Solution to Streamline ETF Data Processing

Fund Marketing for Asset Management Companies


The client sought to produce and deliver periodic data files covering ratios and fund exposure for its dynamic ETFs according to specified definitions and formats. They required a solution to streamline the process of handling dynamic ETF data, ensuring seamless integration and accuracy while also accommodating the addition of new ETFs.


SGA developed a customized mapping file for ETF data processing and collaborated with the client to create a master file, streamlining monthly updates. The company established a system for regular production and delivery of dynamic ETF data, maintaining historical records for trend analysis. This comprehensive approach ensured accuracy, timeliness, and reliability in the client's ETF data management.

Tailored-made Mapping File Development: 

  • SGA developed a customized mapping file specifically designed to process ETFs data accurately. This file served as a critical tool in standardizing and organizing data inputs, ensuring consistency and reliability in the data processing workflow. 

Collaborative Development of Mapping and Master Files: 

  • SGA worked closely with the client to collaboratively develop both the mapping file and a master file. This collaboration aimed to streamline the monthly update process for ETFs data. Raw data was periodically cleaned, processed for ratios and exposure data, and then updated in the master file. To ensure accuracy, this updated data was validated using a client-provided tool, which helped maintain the integrity and precision of the processed information.  

Regular Production and Delivery: 

  • SGA established a robust system for the regular production and delivery of dynamic ETF data. This system ensured that the client received up-to-date information in a timely manner, adhering to the specified definitions and formats.  
  • SGA maintained a comprehensive repository of historical data, providing the client with a valuable resource for trend analysis and reporting. This approach not only enhanced the efficiency of the data processing but also ensured continuity and reliability in the client's ETF data management. 



The engagement process included: 

  • Developing a customized mapping file specifically designed for ETF data processing. 
  • Collaborating with the client to understand data flow for the master file, streamlining monthly update process. 
  • Establishing a system for the regular production and delivery of dynamic ETF data, adhering to specified definitions and formats. 
  • Maintaining a comprehensive repository of historical data for trend analysis and reporting. 


  • Scalable Workflow: Enabled efficient management of incremental dynamic ETFs alongside existing ETFs, ensuring seamless integration and processing. 
  • Reduced Setup Time: Tailor-made mapping file significantly cut down logistic setup time, streamlining the data processing workflow. 
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Collaborative development and validation processes ensured high accuracy and consistency in ratios and exposure data. 
  • Operational Efficiency: Optimized resource allocation and reduced manual effort, leading to faster production cycles and improved overall efficiency. 


  • Customized mapping and master files, streamlined ETF data processing, reducing setup time and improving efficiency. 
  • Scalable workflow enabled seamless management of additional dynamic ETFs, supporting portfolio growth. 
  • Collaborative development and validation ensured high accuracy and consistency in data, enhancing reliability. 

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