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Everything You Need to Know About Data Analytics!

Everything You Need to Know About Data Analytics
Published on Sep 20, 2022

Everything You Need to Know About Data Analytics!

What is Data Analytics? 

Companies that are data-driven are 58% (Pipartners) more likely to make more money than those that aren't. Data analytics is a very important part of any business because it helps organizations make informed decisions. Data-driven decision-making reduces costs, boosts revenue, improves customer experiences, and boosts operational efficiency. This resource is typically unused. 

Log files, web servers, transaction data, and other customer-related data are just a few examples of the massive amounts of data generated every day by businesses around the world. Even more so, social media platforms produce vast quantities of information. Every bit of data a company collects should be mined for insights and used to inform strategic moves. It is driven by analytics applied to data. The goal of data analytics is to mine massive amounts of information for previously overlooked patterns, trends, correlations, and insights so that informed business decisions may be made. 

Many cutting-edge resources and technology are used by businesses today for data analysis. Data analytics entails a wide range of methods, many of which have been transformed into algorithms and other mechanical processes to expedite the preparation of raw data for human consumption. 

What is Data Analytics


Need for Data Analytics 

Because of problems with the data's quality, businesses lose 20% (Pipartners) of their revenue. Most businesses are constantly amassing mountains of data, yet this information is meaningless in its current state. Here is when analytic data comes in handy. Data analytics is the study of data with the goal of gaining useful knowledge that can be put to practical use in running a business. 

A data analyst's job is to take raw data and turn it into meaningful information by extracting, organizing, and analyzing it. The data analyst's final deliverable will be a set of recommendations for the company's future actions based on the insights gleaned from the data. Data analytics is a type of business information that helps businesses address operational issues.  


Types of Data Analytics 

There are four main categories of data analysis that are used by businesses of all sizes. Although we classify them, there is a close relationship between them and they all contribute to one another. Performing analytics requires more work and resources as the problem becomes more complex. The depth of new understanding and value rises simultaneously. 

Types of Data Analytics

  1. Predictive Analytics 

Analyzing data using predictive analytics provides insight and helps make informed decisions. The goal of predictive analytics is to use historical data to foretell future events or the likelihood of certain outcomes. 

Predictive analytics is built on a foundation of historical data and a variety of statistical techniques, including but not limited to modeling, machine learning, data mining, and even game theory. 

  1. Descriptive Analytics 

In descriptive analytics, historical data is analyzed to prepare for future events. It analyses past results and learns from them by sifting through data to determine what factors led to success or failure. This kind of analysis is used in virtually all forms of management reporting. 

In order to categorize consumers or potential customers, the descriptive model uses quantitative measures of relationships in the data. Descriptive analytics identifies numerous diverse correlations between customers and products, as opposed to the singular emphasis of a predictive model. 

  1. Prescriptive Analytics 

Big data, mathematical science, business rules, and machine learning are automatically synthesized in Prescriptive Analytics, which then predicts an outcome and recommends a course of action to take advantage of the prediction. In addition to forecasting future outcomes, prescriptive analytics suggests actionable benefit from those predictions and displays the implication of each decision alternative to the decision maker. 

In addition, Prescriptive Analytics can provide guidance on how to make the most of a future opportunity or how to lessen the impact of a future risk by presenting a range of potential decisions and showing the consequences of each. 

  1. Diagnostic Analytics 

In diagnostic analytics, historical data is prioritized over new information when trying to determine the cause of a problem or provide a solution to one. In looking at the past information on this issue, we seek out any dependencies and patterns we can. 

Companies, for instance, use this analysis because it provides invaluable insight into a problem, and they also maintain comprehensive records of the resources at their disposal, since gathering data for each issue would be a tedious and time-consuming process otherwise. 


Ways to Use Data Analytics 

After learning what data analytics are, let's explore how they can be used.  

Use of Data Analytics

1. Improved Decision Making: Data analytics reduces uncertainty and saves time by replacing it with empirical evidence. Whether it's picking the appropriate content, organizing the proper marketing strategy, or creating the perfect product. Data analytics allows businesses to get useful insights that can be used to make better choices. 

2. Better Customer Service: Second, data analytics improves customer service by letting you cater to each individual's requirements. Besides providing customization, it also helps to strengthen client relationships. Information about customers' preferences, problems, and more can be gleaned by data analysis. It improves your ability to suggest products and services to others. 

3. Efficient Operations: Data analytics can help you streamline your operations, save money, and increase output, all while improving efficiency. By learning more about them, you may save time and energy producing content and advertisements that are less likely to resonate with your target demographic. 

4. Effective Marketing: Fourth, data analytics allows for efficient marketing by providing insight into the success or failure of individual efforts. This aids in optimizing their performance. In addition, you may zero in on the types of consumers who will have the highest propensity to respond to a campaign and eventually become leads. 


Data Analytics Process 

The data analysis process, also known as the data analysis phases, consists of collecting all relevant data, cleaning and organizing it, examining it, and drawing conclusions from it. Here's what the procedure entails: 

Data Analytics Process

1. Understand the problem: The first stage in any analytics process is to gain a firm grasp of the issue at hand. This includes coming to terms with the challenges facing the company, outlining its long-term objectives, and formulating a strategy to turn those goals into reality. Problems with inventory turnover prediction, personalized product suggestions, order cancellation, fraud detection, optimal truck routing, and other similar situations arise frequently in the e-commerce industry. 

2. Gathering Data: The second step in fixing your company's issues is to compile data on client interactions and business transactions over the preceding few years. The data may include such things as the quantity of a product sold, its price, the amount of money made from sales, and the time at which an order was placed. Information from the past is very important in determining how a company will develop in the future. 

3. Data Cleaning: Third, clean up the data you've gathered, which is likely to be disorganized, sloppy, and full of unwelcome missing numbers. No meaningful analysis can be done with that kind of information. In order to prepare the data for analysis, it must be cleansed by removing junk, duplication, and gaps. 

4. Data Exploration and Analysis: After collecting sufficient data, the next step is exploratory data analysis. With the help of data visualisation and business intelligence tools, this data can be analysed, interpreted, and used to make predictions. Using these strategies, you can learn about the impact of a feature and connect it to other variables. 

5. Interpreting the Results: Once you've analyzed the data and developed conclusions, it's time to turn that information into a visual representation by choosing the right charts and graphs to use. 

Although appealing visuals are helpful, they are not sufficient. If you want your insightful findings to be put into action, you must be able to deliver them to decision-makers and stakeholders in a way that is both captivating and easy to understand. Data storytelling, or transforming your data into an engaging tale, is the most effective method for doing this. 


Why Is Data Analytics Important? 

Business performance can be greatly improved with the aid of data analytics. By incorporating technology into the company model, firms can find methods to save money by being more efficient. Let's dive into the importance of Data Analytics - 

Importance of Data Analytics

  1. Data analytics is the primary key to efficient decision making since it provides crucial insights into whether a firm is headed in the right direction. 

  2. Market trends can be identified and the mechanisms underlying the success of one product or service vs another that may not be faring as well explained with the help of competent data analysts, the appropriate tools, and the necessary infrastructure. 

  3. Using data analytics, companies can learn more about their clientele in terms of demographics, interests, and buying habits. Naturally, this data can be utilized to refine marketing plans and better pitch items and services to specific audiences. 

  4. Productivity, efficiency, and revenue growth can all be fueled by data analytics. Analysis of data sets can reveal areas for improvement, procedures that can be improved or automated, opportunities to increase productivity, and areas where resources would be better spent elsewhere. 

  5. Cost efficiency improves when bottlenecks that waste money are isolated and eliminated, and when appropriate technological measures are used to cut down on wasteful spending in key sectors like operations and manufacturing. 

  6. Business problems can be identified and their possible effects on the company can be predicted with the use of data analytics. Therefore, those data sets are extremely important when used properly and driven by competent data analysts to aid in the operation of the business and the prevention of losses. 

  7. Business is bolstered by data analytics because it promotes methodical thought, helps key decision-makers maintain focus, enhances processes, and optimizes communication between business executives and data professionals in order to propel the proper dialogues. 

Business is bolstered by data analytics because it promotes methodical thought, helps key decision-makers maintain focus, enhances processes, and optimizes communication between business executives and data professionals in order to propel the proper conversations. 


Benefits of data analytics for your business 

Data analytics is the key to unlocking the useful insights hidden in the enormous diversity of data generated by businesses. Businesses can benefit from data analytics in a wide variety of ways, including tailoring their marketing strategies to each individual customer's preferences and reducing the impact of previously unknown threats. Let's examine five reasons why data analytics is useful. 

Data Analytics Benefits

  1. Make the Customer Experience Unique 

Businesses gather customer information through a number of distribution methods, including traditional storefronts, online marketplaces, and social media. Businesses can learn about their customers' tastes and interests by using data analytics to compile detailed profiles based on this information. 

  1. Inform Business Decision-Making 

Data analytics can help organizations cut down on losses and make more informed decisions. Predictive analytics can foresee potential outcomes in response to business shifts, while prescriptive analytics can advise on the best course of action for the company. 

  1. Simplify Procedures 

Effective use of data analytics can boost a company's productivity. By collecting and analyzing data from throughout the supply chain, we can learn the source of any manufacturing delays or bottlenecks and better anticipate where future issues may arise. Even so, many businesses, especially in the retail sector, have difficulty finding the optimal balance between stock and demand. 

  1. Reducing Risk and Coping with Setbacks 

There are dangers lurking around every corner while doing business. Theft by customers or employees, unpaid invoices, unsafe working conditions, and legal liabilities all fall into this category. A company may be able to better assess risks and implement preventative actions with the use of data analytics. The information could help the company decide what kind of security measures to implement in its stores and whether or not to sell off any of its real estate. 

  1. Enhance Safety 

Threats to data security are a problem for all businesses. Businesses can utilize data analytics to determine what led to past data breaches by analyzing and visualizing the pertinent data. The IT department, for instance, can use data analytics software to read, process, and display audit logs in order to trace the origins and causes of an incident. 

Also Read - The Biggest Trends in Data Analytics Forecasted for 2022. 



Data AnalyticsOnly 24.4% (Pipartners) of businesses have established data-driven cultures in their firms. 

Data analytics aids people and businesses in verifying their data in a world where reliance on information and statistics is growing. Data is crucial for any business as it allows them to better understand their customers, develop more effective marketing strategies, and broaden their product offerings. As there are many benefits to data, but no way to access them without the proper tools, data analytics tools and methods are of the utmost importance. 

Though raw data can be useful in many ways, it can't be put to use for business expansion until it's been analyzed. As a result, we can conclude that data analytics is crucial to the growth of any organization, as it helps to optimize a company's performance. A collection of raw numbers can be converted into insightful, instructional insights that drive decision-making and careful management using a range of tools and techniques. 

As a result of using data analytics, you can make sense of the past and anticipate future patterns and behaviors, allowing you to make educated decisions and adopt effective tactics rather than relying on guesswork. Businesses and organizations can learn more about their customers, their field, and the firm as a whole by analyzing data, giving them a leg up when making decisions and preparing for the future. 

With a presence in New York, San Francisco, Austin, Seattle, Toronto, London, Zurich, Pune, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad, SG Analytics, a pioneer in Research and Analytics, offers tailor-made services to enterprises worldwide.                        

A leader in Data & Analytics, SG Analytics focuses on leveraging data management & analytics and data science to help businesses discover new insights and build strategies for business growth. Contact us today if you are an enterprise looking to make critical data-driven decisions to prompt accelerated growth and breakthrough performance.   
