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Healthy Fast Food Trends in 2023

fast food trends 2022
Published on Apr 21, 2022

Healthy Fast Food Trends in 2023

The words healthy and fast food do not really go together. It almost feels like a paradox when someone uses the term healthy fast food. The entire concept behind fast food was to make it as quickly as possible, which meant the addition of processed food, quick frying techniques, and preservatives, which are essentially all of the things that made food unhealthy in the first place.  

But now, there is a new trend that we have been seeing for those who want quick, easy meals but do not want to ingest or digest all the processed parts of food. So is there such a thing known as healthy fast food? What are the healthy fast food trends that people are so invested in? Are they actually healthy?  

Healthy Fast Food Trends: The Beginning 

Junk food trends have been around for decades, especially once fast food chains gained popularity. Chain restaurants such as McDonald’s, Domino’s Pizza, and KFC opened up all around the world, making junk food trends pop up around the world. The quick and easy delivery, dopamine hits to the brain with the combination of sweet and savory, and the affordable pricing made junk food quite the hit.  

Although, people are becoming more health conscious in general, which is why healthy food trends have now started to pop up. Consumers are still keen on getting their food in a quick, easy, and accessible manner, but they are concerned about how healthy it is. Fast food chains are still the go-to option for consumers, but they want healthier choices available in the market. A quick burger, fries, and milkshake isn’t something that satisfies today’s customer any more, and healthy fast food trends are on the rise everywhere around the world.  

As consumer becomes more health conscious and focuses on building a healthier lifestyle for themselves, what does it say about the healthy fast food trends? What are the healthy fast food trends of 2023? Are they going to last? 

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Healthy Fast Food Trends of 2023 

Regular fast food consumption increases by 2.2% every year. This means that junk food trends are on their way out, and healthier consumer is on the rise. Including healthy fast food options is a must as this may cause health concerns for most of people.  

Fast food has a reputation for being unhealthy, greasy, and full of calories. However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards healthier fast food options, as people have become more health-conscious and demanding of better food choices. In 2023, we can expect this trend to continue, with more and more fast-food chains offering healthier alternatives. Here are some of the top healthy fast-food trends to look out for in 2023: 

Increased use of technology 

Technology has been changing the fast food industry in recent years, and this trend is set to continue in 2023. We can expect to see more restaurants adopting online ordering systems, mobile apps, and digital kiosks to streamline the ordering process and make it more convenient for customers. This not only makes it easier to order healthy fast food options but also reduces wait times and increases efficiency. 

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Focus on functional ingredients 

Functional ingredients are those that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. In 2023, we can expect to see more fast food chains incorporating functional ingredients into their menu items. This includes ingredients like turmeric, matcha, and probiotics, which have been shown to improve digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. 

Increased focus on sustainability 

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important to consumers, and fast food chains are starting to respond. In 2023, we can expect to see more restaurants adopting environmentally friendly practices, such as reducing packaging waste, sourcing ingredients locally, and using renewable energy sources. This not only helps to protect the environment but also appeals to customers who are concerned about sustainability. 

More focus on whole foods 

Whole foods are those that are minimally processed and retain their natural nutrients. In 2023, we can expect to see more fast food chains incorporating whole foods into their menu items. This includes ingredients like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

Increased focus on allergen-free options 

Food allergies and intolerances are becoming increasingly common, and fast food chains are starting to take notice. In 2023, we can expect to see more restaurants offering allergen-free options, such as gluten-free buns, dairy-free cheese, and nut-free menu items. This makes it easier for customers with food allergies or intolerances to enjoy fast food without worrying about adverse reactions. 

plant based food

Healthier beverage options 

In addition to healthier food options, we can expect to see more fast food chains offering healthier beverage options in 2023. This includes low-sugar drinks, infused waters, and healthier smoothies. This not only helps customers to reduce their calorie intake but also provides a refreshing alternative to traditional sugary sodas. 

Plant-based options 

One of the biggest trends in the food industry in recent years has been the rise of plant-based eating. As more people adopt vegan or vegetarian diets, fast food chains are responding with plant-based options on their menus. In 2023, we can expect to see even more plant-based burgers, chicken alternatives, and other vegetarian and vegan options at fast food restaurants. 

Healthier sides 

Fast food chains are also starting to focus more on the sides they offer, with healthier options becoming more popular. This includes salads, fruit cups, and vegetable sides, which are often offered as alternatives to fries and other traditional fast food sides. 

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Better ingredient sourcing 

Consumers are becoming more aware of where their food comes from and are demanding higher-quality ingredients. In response, fast food chains are starting to source better-quality ingredients, including organic produce and grass-fed beef. In 2023, we can expect this trend to continue, with fast food chains making more of an effort to use sustainable and ethically sourced ingredients. 

plant based fast food

Smaller portions 

Portion sizes at fast food chains have traditionally been quite large, with super-sized options and value meals. However, in response to growing concerns about obesity and overeating, many chains are now offering smaller portion sizes. This not only helps customers to manage their calorie intake but also reduces food waste and makes fast food more affordable for those on a budget. 


Another trend that we can expect to see more of in 2023 is customization. Fast food chains are starting to offer more options for customers to personalize their meals, including the ability to choose their own ingredients and toppings. This allows customers to create a meal that is tailored to their tastes and dietary requirements. 

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Healthier cooking methods 

Traditionally, fast food has been associated with deep-frying and other unhealthy cooking methods. However, many chains are now experimenting with healthier cooking methods, such as grilling, baking, and air frying. This not only reduces the calorie content of meals but also improves the nutritional value and taste. 

More transparency 

Finally, we can expect to see more transparency from fast food chains in 2023. This includes providing more information about the nutritional content of their meals, as well as the ingredients used. Customers are becoming more discerning about what they eat and are demanding more information from fast food chains in order to make informed choices. 

Final Thoughts

Healthy fast food trends will only continue to grow with time, which is what research conducted by data analytics services seems to suggest. Consumer is becoming more conscious about the environment and their health, and food trends are in support of this hypothesis. Over time, people will willingly choose the healthier option, even if it’s for their cheat meals. 

Just because one is indulging and breaking away from their diet, it does not mean that they want to put artificial flavors and other additives in their system. The clean, green and healthy consumer is on the rise, and the healthy fast food trends of 2023 are a strong indicator of the same.   

With more and more consumers looking for healthier fast food options, it is likely that these trends will continue to grow in popularity in the coming years. 

In summary, the healthy fast food trends we can expect to see in 2023 include increased use of technology, focus on functional ingredients, increased focus on sustainability, more focus on whole foods, increased focus on allergen-free options, and healthier beverage options.  

These trends reflect the changing demands of consumers, who are increasingly looking for healthy, sustainable, and convenient fast food options.