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Climate Change – Beyond the Hype and Hyperbole

Climate Change
Published on Mar 15, 2017

Climate Change – Beyond the Hype and Hyperbole

The impact of climate change is clearly visible, but there is a great deal of uncertainty over its magnitude. A close look at the environmental changes over the years has helped to gauge the severity of the impact. The drastic changes in global sea levels, average temperature, acidity of surface water, and temperature of oceans over a period of time have had a multiplier effect on the environment. Climate change may seem like a far-fetched issue at this moment, but the stats speak otherwise.

Importance of identifying the causes of climate change

The implications of climate change are visibly significant. We live on a planet which has finite resources, and they are depleting at a rapid clip. Factors that deplete limited resources can be largely divided into 2 categories – natural and manmade. It is clear that the stringent manmade efforts have triggered natural disasters. There’s a line of thought that climate change can be effectively dealt by steps like trimming waste, choosing renewable energy, and by shaping up green commute. However, it is flimsy to say that climate change can be countered without full awareness of the root cause. Hence, it is imperative to identify the causes in order to substantially reduce the risks of climate change.

Climate change from different perspectives

There is a propensity for mankind to overestimate short-term consequences and underestimate long-term happenings. Whichever way, viewpoints always vary. However, there are growing concerns over the real causes behind the rapid pace of climate change among scientists, alarmists, and institutions. Since this issue is subject to endless scrutiny by individuals, it is important to adhere to the viewpoints of established institutions such as NASA, UN, and IPCC to effectively counter climate change.

Facts about IMPACT of Climate Change

Road Ahead

Renewable energy sources can serve as key drivers to counter climate change. Commercial and industrial establishments must look to adopt renewable energy sources to feed their electricity-starved operational structure. And to make this a reality, various government bodies and associated authorities can formulate renewable energy policies and set emission reduction targets. Additionally, this move to embrace renewable energy should involve financial institutions. The banking and finance sectors must examine fix ‘impact investing’ as a mandatory criterion for their prospective future investments.

Enterprises want to ‘go green’ by hopping on to the renewable bandwagon. Businesses will be better served by propelling the big renewable projects into their impact investing strategies. Such a strategy indicates a sustainable tomorrow. The renewable revolution has just begun. And the future guarantees feeding of green energy into the grids.

What’s next? Stay tuned for our upcoming blog on impact investing, which will help businesses incorporate effective environment sustainability methods into investment decisions.
